We've tried to make using Photopick.io as easy as possible so you could concentrate on making your web app awesome instead of learning complex API's and stuff.
The integration of Photopick.io is two-phased. First you initialize our plugin on your front-end and then you handle the uploaded material on your back-end.
Option name | Default value | Description |
apiKey | None
Required |
The API-key for this domain. You can get this from your dashboard for each of your registered domains. If you register multiple domains be sure to use an API key that matches the domain that the initialization script is called from. |
uploadURL | None
Required |
A relative or absolute URL to your backend endpoint where the plugin should send the uploaded files. If the value does not begin with 'http://' or 'https://', the name is prefixed with the current hostname and if the value does not begin with '/' it is prefixed with the current path. |
fileFieldName | "file"
Optional |
The form field name with which the uploaded files are sent to your backend. Default is "file". |
dropTarget | None
Optional |
If you want your users to be able to just drag and drop files into your application, specify a jQuery-type selector of the element onto which the users can drop files, eg. "#myDropTargetDiv". The plugin will add photopick-drop-target class to the element if file dropping is supported. photopick-drop-target-active class is added when the user is dragging a file on top of the element and photopick-drop-target-dropped class is added when the user drops a file onto the element. The file is then added to the upload queue and onPhotoAdded event is triggered. photopick-drop-target-not-supported class is added if the browser does not support file dropping. |
csrfToken | None
Optional |
If your backend requires a CSRF-token to prevent cross-site request forgery, retrieve it eg. from a cookie and insert here. See your backend framework documentation for more information about CSRF-tokens. |
autostart | false
Optional |
If set to true, uploading starts automatically after the user has selected files for upload. If false, user must click "start upload" before the actual uploading starts. |
preload | false
Optional |
If set to true, the plugin preloads the selected images before they are uploaded so your web app can utilize the selected photos even before they are uploaded to your server. You can then close the plugin and let it continue the upload on the background. The plugin will fire onPhotoPreloaded event for each photo when they are preloaded and ready to use. |
language | "en_US"
Optional |
Localization setting for the plugin. Currently implemented are en_US and fi_FI . If you set languageURL , make sure the value you set here matches the one in your custom translation file. |
languageURL | None
Optional |
If you want, you can translate Photopick.io to your own language. Download our translation template and follow the instructions at angular-gettext about how to translate and compile the template to your language (follow the "Lazy-loading languages" -part). Then place the resulting translation file in a publicly available location and pass the URL to the file here. |
stylesheet | None
Optional |
If you want to customize the outlook of the plugin, you can embed your custom stylesheet into the plugin. Enter the ABSOLUTE URL of your custom stylesheet (ie. an URL starting with 'http://' or 'https://') |
theme | None
Optional |
By default the plugin uses the default Bootstrap theme but you can change that to one of Bootswatch.com themes by entering the theme name here, eg. "cerulean" or "readable". |
Event name | Description |
onPhotoAdded | Dispatched when the user has added a photo to the upload queue |
onPhotoRemoved | Dispatched when the user has removed a photo from the upload queue |
onUploadStarting | Dispatched when the uploading queue is about to start due to autostart being true or the user deliberately clicking "start upload" |
onPhotoPreloaded | Dispatched when a user has selected a photo for upload and the plugin has preloaded it |
onBeforeUpload | Dispatched just before the upload is started for each photo |
onUploadProgress | Dispatched while the upload is progressing |
onPhotoUploaded | Dispatched when the upload is complete for each photo |
onUploadComplete | Dispatched when the whole upload queue is uploaded |
onResetAfterUploadComplete | Dispatched when the whole upload queue is processed and the user clicks 'OK'. |
onError | Dispatched if there's an error in the upload queue |
<script type="text/javascript" src="//photopick.io/photopick.js?v=2.0"> <script> var photopick = Photopick.init('#myContainerElement', { apiKey: 'my-api-key', uploadURL: 'my-backend-url', fileFieldName: 'my-upload-field-name', dropTarget: null, csrfToken: 'my-csrf-token', autostart: false, preload: false, language: 'en_US', languageURL: 'my-localization-url', stylesheet: 'my-stylesheet-url', theme: 'readable', onPhotoAdded: function(photo, photos) { // Dispatched when user has added a photo to the upload queue }, onPhotoRemoved: function(photo, photos) { // Dispatched when user removes a photo from the upload queue }, onPhotoPreloaded: function(photo) { // Dispatched when a photo has been selected and it's contents has been read }, onUploadStarting: function(photos) { // Dispatched just before the upload queue is about to start }, onBeforeUpload: function(photo) { // Dispatched when a single photo is about to be uploaded }, onUploadProgress: function(photo) { // Dispatched multiple times as the upload progresses }, onPhotoUploaded: function(photo, response) { // Dispatched when a single photo has been uploaded }, onUploadComplete: function(photos) { // Dispatched when all selected photos have been uploaded }, onResetAfterUploadComplete: function() { // Dispatched when the user resets the view after the upload queue is complete }, onError: function(error) { // Dispatched if an error occurs at any point of the process } }); // When the window is resized (or if you display photopick in a modal or // something like that) you must call the 'refresh'-method so that Photopick // can reposition it's contents accordingly. If you experience non-functioning // buttons, this should provide the ultimate fix for all your problems. $(window).on('resize', function() { photopick.refresh(); }); </script>
Almost only special thing you need to handle at your back-end are the Cross-Domain -requirements for POSTing data. Just copy the relevant code from the sample scripts below and you should be all set.
You can handle the uploaded files at your back-end however you want and return whatever you want. The responses are relayed to the handling functions you define when initializing the plugin at the front-end.
See these sample scripts for how to receive the uploaded photos. The photos are received differently depending whether they are actually uploaded or retrieved from an external web service such as Facebook or Instagram.
When a photo is uploaded, the whole photo file is included in the request. When files are selected from an external web service, only the URL's of the files are included in the request data.
import express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); router.options('/', function(req, res, next) { if (req.headers['origin'].match('photopick\.io$')) { res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.headers['origin']); res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', req.headers['access-control-request-headers']); } res.end(); }); router.post('/', function(req, res, next) { if (req.headers['origin'].match('photopick\.io$')) { res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.headers['origin']); } res.end(); }); export = router;
import re, json, requests, cStringIO from django.http.response import HttpResponse def handle_upload(request): if request.method == 'OPTIONS': origin = request.META.get('HTTP_ORIGIN') response = HttpResponse() if origin and origin.endswith('photopick.io'): response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = origin response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'x-requested-with, content-type, accept, origin, authorization, x-csrftoken, user-agent, accept-encoding' return response elif request.method == 'POST': data = json.loads(request.body) photo_data = data.get('photo') photo_origin = photo_data['source'] if photo_data['source'] == 'device': uploaded_file = request.FILES['my-upload-field-name'] else: photo_url = photo_data['originalURL'] photo_response = requests.get(photo_url, headers=headers) photo_file_data = cStringIO.StringIO(photo_response.content) uploaded_file = ContentFile(photo_file_data.getvalue(), photo_data['name']) ################################################################ # Do what you want with uploaded_file ################################################################